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Four high level psychological knowledge

Four high level psychological knowledge

BY Betty 8 Nov,2020 Psychological


4. The more goals and motivation you have, the less effective and profitable it will be

The concept is derived from psychology Yerkes Morgulis’ law. For an individual, whatever he does, there is a functional relationship between his motivation before doing it and his efficiency after doing it, and the picture is "u-shaped".


In other words, when the independent variable, the driving force, is in an intermediate intensity, the dependent variable, the efficiency, will reach its extreme.

For example, many people, especially students, before the important exam,  will greatly give themselves encouragement and psychological hint, telling themselves there is no problem, as long as they have made ten times the effort, they will be successful.

But often in the exam process, question which is a bit beyond their imagination will make them instantly "collapse". Finally, they cannot bear the pressure, unforced errors happen.

So, for us, as long as we have firm belief, keep going forward, adhere to our own goal, we always get the ideal results. Success is not achieved overnight; a lot of things cannot be rushed.

