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Recent Discovery: Covid-19 Has Changed People’s Exercise Habits

Recent Discovery: Covid-19 Has Changed People’s Exercise Habits

BY Johnny 29 Oct,2020 Covid-19 Exercise Habits


Young adults may have to balance child care, work and other commitments during an epidemic, the elderly would instead have more free time to exercise, Fisher said. In addition, the elderly may be more concerned about their immune system and physical health, which would further motivate them to exercise.


Fisher added that the current researches and surveys have their limitations and require longer study in a larger scale of people's exercise during the epidemic. For now, it seems that based on existing researches and surveys people want to monitor their own exercise to ensure that they maintain sufficient exercise.

"It's not surprising that lockdown policies have disrupted people's exercise habits." Fisher said, " But we cannot just assume that once lockdown policies are lifted, everyone will do exercise as often as before the epidemic. Of course, even the prevention and control measures may restrict everyone's exercise, we still need to help people get regular exercise. "

