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How to use the Force of Nothingness in Space to Manipulate Objects

How to use the Force of Nothingness in Space to Manipulate Objects

BY Paula 11 Jan,2021 Nothingness Manipulate Nature Physics


Tobal said: "To understand this, we need to delve into the weirdness of quantum physics. In reality, there is no perfect vacuum - even in empty space of absolute zero, virtual particles will flick in and out of existence. These fluctuations interact with objects placed in vacuum and are actually enhanced in magnitude as temperature is increased, causing a measurable force from ‘nothing’ – known as the Casimir force."


The experiment was carried out at room temperature. They used a miniature metal enclosure designed to confine certain kind of electromagnetic radiation, referred to as a microwave re-entrant cavity. Separated from this cavity by a gap of about one micrometre was a metal-plated silicon nitride membrane acting as a Casimir spring. By applying an electrostatic force, the team was able to control the re-entrant gap with exquisite precision. This in turn allowed them to manipulate the membrane with the Casimir force that arose when the gap was sufficiently small.


"Because of the Casimir force between the objects, the metallic membrane, which flexed back and forth, had its spring-like oscillations significantly modified and was used to manipulate the properties of the membrane and re-entrant cavity system in a unique way," Tobal said. "This allowed orders of magnitudes of improvement in force sensitivity and the ability to control the mechanical state of the membrane."

By studying the changes to the membrane, the team can generate high-precision measurements of the Casimir effect. Other studies have used the Casimir forces in less precise ways, such as helping tiny silicon devices keep their distance.

The research was published in "Nature Physics".

