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How to Know the Weight of Tyrannosaurus Rex?

How to Know the Weight of Tyrannosaurus Rex?

BY Catherine 11 Dec,2020 Tyrannosaurus Weight Biological Review


Although many methods have been tried for years, they could all be attributed to two kinds.

Scientists either measured and magnified the bones of living animals, such as the circumference of the arm (humerus) and leg (femur), and then compared them with that of dinosaurs; or they calculated the three-dimensional volume of a dinosaur, and then calculated its bone mass with the help of the bone density of general animals. As to which method is more accurate, this is a lively debate subject among paleontologists who have their own preferences.


Researchers found that when comparing scaling and reconstruction methods on a large scale, most results were consistent. Obvious differences are just exceptions, not due to any system distortion.

Dr. Campione said: “In fact, the complementarity of the two methods is much higher than their antagonism.”


They suggest that future work needs to better integrate the two methods.

Campione and colleagues believe that the weight of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex is about 7 tons, which is consistent with both reconstruction and scaling methods. But this study emphasized the large margin of error of single value, because dinosaurs, like human beings, have great individual differences. The minimum average weight of Tyrannosaurus rex is 5 tons, but the maximum is 10 tons.

Dr. Campione said: “Only by combining these methods and understanding their limitations and uncertainties, can we begin to reveal the life course of dinosaurs and other long-extinct animals.”

