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How to Get Free Units in Marvel Contest of Champions?

How to Get Free Units in Marvel Contest of Champions?

BY Marshall 13 Mar,2021 Free Units Marvel Contest of Champions Games


Shop Wisely and Consume in the Right Place

1. Save units for mastery / emergency recovery / health concealment

2. Save glory for T4 catalyst / T1 and T2 Alpha (you can get materials like T3 through daily tasks/crystals)

3. save alliance resurrection / health loyalty from the POTIONS store

4. Buy crystals with fragments, not units! (You can get more benefits from the event / arena.) If you need gold, you can purchase energy recharge.

5. Check whether the store has promotions or activities to see the goods that can be stocked in the future!


Inventory (GLORY Store)

1. If you want to start buying consumables needed later, the biggest blocker of the game is grading materials, especially catalysts. As long as you have opportunity, you must perform arduous / professional tasks every day, and check the GLORY storage once a day to reserve T4 CLASS catalyst fragments (reset daily) and 1-2 T4 basic catalysts (reset weekly). **The quantity you can buy is limited, and the price will increase after each purchase, so you don’t need to be bound to buy all the goods at once!

2. Save free crystals every day to keep healthy; when you decide to compete for the championship in the arena, you can increase your energy!

Check the List of Cycling/goals and Get Free Bonus!

You can get more bonus (gold, signature stone, unit) by just waiting for the appropriate time to rank your champion or polish it on the arena.

Don’t Miss Rewards From the Event Tasks


Another way to obtain material is to accomplish the task through event tasks in a simpler mode. This is easy to achieve with automatic mode, especially when you are looking for a way to consume energy quickly.

Ways to Get Units Faster: Arena, Crystals and Battle Chips

If you are desperate to get troops quickly, Arena, Crystals and Battle Chips are your best choices. You can use existing champion to fight for new champions, crystals and various catalysts in the arena. Arena is also a great place to earn money and battle chips.


Battle chips can be spent on arena crystals and untapped arena crystals, which can also help earn units. These expensive investments may have beneficial results for those who are looking for units quickly. 

Even if there is no way to know what’s inside, you can get a few hundred at most if lucky. Generally, considering each price, the chance of obtaining units on arena crystals seems to be higher than that in untapped arena crystals.

Make Friends

A good alliance is the fastest way, you can get upgraded materials (Glory from AQ) and new heroes (Fragments from AW).

